Friday, August 22, 2008

Bonus Points

I have made it through a whole week of classes, and I got home before 5:00!  I am so tired.  I was fighting to stay awake in biochem today; no one should have to think about biochem for 2 consecutive hours. 
We have bonus point quizzes in histo and anatomy lectures and labs.  I haven't had any in anatomy yet, but two of the profs hinted that we might have quizes Monday and Tuesday.  In histo, they ask 3 - 6 questions for 1 - 2 bonus points (you have to get 3 right to get one point, and 6 right to get two points - if you're wondering, 5 correct responses is still only worth one point.  These points are highly coveted, because they can add an entire letter grade.  They are very hard to get - I have only gotten one point so far (pretty good considering I have no idea what I'm doing, and we only have class and lab on Tuesdays and Thursdays). 
My group stayed after class today to finish our presentation (we get out at noon on Fridays).  It is on breast cancer; he gave us several questions and objectives.  I found a picture of some breast cancer cells to use as the slide background - I am such a nerd.  FYI - histology is the study of microscopic tissues. 

1 comment:

Dori said...

The first month is the roughest. Try to stay positive (and awake) and you will be fine!