Friday, August 29, 2008

I Can't Believe the Second Week is Already Over

This is pretty much how we all feel about the first test (biochem) on Tuesday...except, we're not actually biting our fingers...

Biochem did get a lot more interesting today - our professor is already tying in some clinical correlations - different sources of insulin, sickle cell disease, digestion and blood clotting.
In anatomy, we are learning about Horner's Syndrome (among many, many, other things). A typical symptom of this syndrome is one very slow reacting pupil (slow to dilate). Dr. W taught me that a tumor is one of the possible causes of this syndrome. Disclaimer: this is a very simplified explanation, and is meant for entertainment purposes only. It is in no way intended to replace the advice, or counsel of a licensed physician. Hey, if I can't pass med school, maybe I should go to law school...

1 comment:

Dori said...

If that's a self portrait, please remember to eat!