Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More Cool Running Stuff

I know, I'm getting all crazy - two Blogs in one day (I should be studying)...  We learned a really cool technique in OMM today.  It's called muscle energy (a lot of physical therapists use it); it's one of the methods of treating restriction of motion.  Everything we learned today just happens to be perfect for runners - it all focuses on range of motion in the legs.  I sure am learning a lot about running lately...maybe that's a hint...  I'm going to use it on Brett to help get him ready for the run this Saturday; he's going to do great, by the way.  He has been working very hard. 


Punkydoodle Papers said...

Girl - what did they teach you in college? The answer is ALWAYS C! LOL!

Dori said...

My nephew is going to run??? I can't hardly believe that. You MUST get video and post it. I won't believe it until I see it.