Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Study Break

I'm prepping for tomorrow's anatomy lecture and lab at my study carrel in the library. There are only 60 something carrels for the first and second years (about 200 students). So, several of us came in the Sunday before classes started to sign in and wait until 5 pm - when they let you choose your carrel. It's pretty nice; I have my own little desk that I can leave my things at, and no one messes with any of it. This is the first library I have ever been in that allows food and beverages - I mean snacks, meals, whatever you want.

One of the second years is holding a tutor session tonight to help us prepare for histo tomorrow. I don't know how the second years have so much free time. They are all so nice, and offer to help us anytime.

More later.


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