Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tomorrow is Friday!!

I am so excited that it is almost the weekend!  I have already survived four (very long) days of med school!  No, I'm not looking forward to vegging; I'm excited to have an entire weekend to study; in fact, I have never been this excited about studying in my whole life.  So, that's what med school does to you - it turns you into even more of a nerd... 
I have a great dissecting group.  We are a little ahead, which means we don't have to dissect again until Monday.  Tuesday the other half of the class (labs are divided into two groups) gets to dissect (for about a week, then it's our turn again), and we get to observe after they are done.  I am looking forward to that, because dissecting takes up so much time outside of class.  By the way, the cadavers are really greasy - it is disgusting!  I used to think that they called it gross anatomy in reference to learning the structures, but now I know it is because it is actually a very gross thing to do. 
Well, my studies are waiting...

1 comment:

Dori said...

I sense some dejavu here. Think I've heard this same comment somewhere before...