Monday, September 15, 2008


I haven't even been here for a full month, and I'm already failing med school...  The histo test completely blindsided me; I have never taken a test like that before.  I took the lecture portion first.  The questions were ridiculous...I was second guessing the ones I thought I knew, wondering if he was tricking me.  I felt like I literally didn't know anything (and I studied really hard).  I keep wondering if anyone has ever made a "zero".  By the time I got to the lab test, my brain was mushy; I didn't know my right from my left (I couldn't even tell the difference between a plasma cell and a mast cell, and forget about what they secrete). 
Before the test this morning, I was hoping (praying) for a passing grade; now I'm just hoping for a "high F". 

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