Thursday, September 4, 2008

"That's Jacked Up"

Try not to be offended if your doctor ever tells you that something about you is "jacked up".  That's an actual medical term; I know this, because they taught it to us in school.  The first year you learn what is normal, so that later you can identify what is "jacked up".
I officially passed my first med school test.  No time to celebrate, though...onto anatomy.  I love how the pictures in anatomy books are so colorful, clear and concise - and everything is exactly where and how it should be; it is nothing like that in lab.  Sometimes it's hard to tell if you're looking at a nerve or an artery (they aren't really bright red and bright yellow, as Netter's (anatomy book) would have you believe). 
We did a small lab review today (for the practical portion of the test on Monday).  It's a really good feeling when you can't name the structure in front of you.  Probably most of my class is a little panic-stricken (but the second years keep telling us that the first histo test is the snake that's going to bite us all).  I vaguely remember being really, really excited to start school...


Unknown said...

Good! You passed! Keep it up.

Dori said...

Congrats!!! Keep up the good work!