Saturday, September 6, 2008

"I see dead people"

Well, that's a given...apparently, I also smell like dead people (see, you guys don't miss me as much as you thought you did).  Brett has been complaning of a "funny smell" in our upstairs office for about a week (where I do most of my at-home studying); everytime he goes in that room he says it "stinks", and he proceeds to look for the source of the offensive odor.  Of course, he never finds anything...and I can't smell it. 
The first week of school I could tell if someone had been in the lab, and I still occassionally get random whiffs of that lovely odor (even when I haven't been in the lab for a couple of days).  A few times, I even thought my food tasted like it (that just goes to show how much affect smell has on taste).  That smell doesn't wash out - I can smell it in my lab scrubs and coat fresh out of the dryer.  It looks like Brett has a very long, smelly semester ahead of him...

1 comment:

Dori said...

I don't think even Febreeze will kill that smell. Good luck, lol..